Why Should Women Be Self-Reliant and Earn for Themselves?

Self-reliance happens when you have the ability to think and act without the help or influence of others. Self-reliance or independence comes to you when you earn for yourself. It gives you the confidence and motivation to solve problems yourself. Whether you, as a woman, is married or not, being financially independent and self-sufficient gives you the ability to increase your happiness multi-fold and also gives you the courage to not bother about trivial issues in life. Also, for a married woman, it is imperative to be financially independent owing to the increasing cost of living and expenses.

The Glow & Lovely Careers (formerly known as Fair & Lovely Career Foundation) strives to encourage every Indian woman to be self-reliant and financially independent. The impact that this has on her is positive beyond imagination. She starts to enjoy life much more once she understands the joy of becoming independent. On the Glow & Lovely Careers, she can take certified online courses that will add to her  resume and eventually help her in finding a job. On the website, there are portals that help her to get free online career guidance, make her own professional online resume, lets her take free online practice tests if she is preparing for competitive examinations.

There are a number of reasons why women should become self-reliant. Here are a few: 

1.  They can meet the rising cost of living: With the cost of living of all substances rising by the day, it’s not easy to have a peaceful life and to meet even basic requirements if both the man and the woman in the family don’t work. In order to lead an above-average standard of living, it’s important that women also, work. 

2. It boosts their morale: Ultimately, feeling good and confident about oneself is more important than anything else. Working and earning for oneself naturally boosts the woman’s morale and makes her courageous enough to stand up for herself and her rights. Many times, a woman in a family would be dependent on the man for fulfilling her dreams and aspirations. Being financially independent, will enable her to fulfill their wishes, like enhancing her skill-sets, go for a trip with friends, or even buying things that they want and so on.

3.  They can stay ready for emergencies: It often happens in some families that only the man in the house would be working. Under this condition what happens is that, if he tends to lose his job or some other emergency sets in, the family will get majorly panic-stricken as there is no financial back-up. To avoid such conditions, it’s always better for the woman in the house to be working as well.



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