Top 5 Ways of Treating Infertility in Men

Almost 1 in 7 couples is facing the issue of infertility. Infertility in men can be caused by many factors like abnormal sperm function, low sperm production, or blockages. 

Here are some treatments that are available for men's infertility.

Surgical Treatment

One of the major causes of infertility in men is varicocele. Varicocele is a condition where the pampiniform plexus veins in the scrotum enlarge leading to low sperm production or a reduction in sperm quality. This can be often treated surgically. Sperm retrieval techniques are often used to retrieve sperm directly from testicles in case if no sperm is present to ejaculate. Prior vasectomies can also be treated surgically.

Treating Infections

The fertility of men is often seriously affected in many ways by infection of the reproductive tract. Such infection can cause inflammation in men's genital tract affecting the sperm count, decreasing the quality and motility of sperm. Such infections can be cured by antibiotic treatment.

For treating your infertility visit Ova Fertility & Women Care, which is also one of the best IVF clinics for male infertility.

Hormone Therapy

Infertility can also be caused by low testosterone levels. It can be treated successfully by hormone replacement or hormone injections such as LH and FSH. 

Treating Sexual Intercourse Problem

Conditions like premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction also leads to infertility. Such conditions can be treated by proper counseling and medication.

Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)

Another process by which couples can gain their pregnancy is Assisted Reproductive Technology. In this process, sperm is collected by normal ejaculation or surgical extraction and inserted into the womb, sperm is mixed with an egg outside the body or a single sperm is injected into an egg. Some common types of ART are IVF, ICSI, Intrafallopian Transfer, etc.


The issue of infertility is often discussed behind closed doors. The best way to deal with it is to get diagnosed and treated. It will be better if you also get your female partner checked.


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