Life-Changing Lessons To Learn From Capt. Raghu Raman

Career paths can have a serious influence on one’s perspective towards life. Several business personalities have turned motivational speakers thanks to their unique life experiences. Capt. Raghu Raman’s motivational speeches are very different from the rest given his sprawling Army background. After serving in the Indian Army for eleven years, Capt. Raghu Raman also had a successful corporate career. Having served at the Siachen Glacier and then moving on to the corporate world, Capt. Raghu Raman’s life is filled with innumerable lessons. One of the most preferred speakers, Raghu Raman as a motivational speaker is worth listening to. Be it young professionals, students or people looking for motivation, Capt. Raghu Raman’s speeches are extremely inspiring. After facing severe life challenges, Raghu Raman has learnt to see life with a different point of view which can also help others deal with issues. Raghu Raman’s speeches focus on aspects like realising one’s true potential, facing life challenges, accepting failures, etc. In most of his speeches, he is able to relate his real-life experiences with management tactics. Here are some life-changing lessons to learn from Raghu Raman.

· Facing failures 
Almost every individual thinks about failure but when it comes to accepting the same not all are mentally prepared. Every individual faces certain challenges but in order to learn from the same one has to be mentally strong too. The centre point in Raghu Raman’s speeches is often about accepting and facing failures which in turn makes you a better individual.

· Leadership is not just about commanding it is also about creating leaders
In Raghu Raman’s speeches, you are bound to get a better understanding of leadership. Apart from leading, one also has to create a platform for subordinates to help them grow. Additionally, a leader needs to act in sync with the subordinates.

· Stop focusing on the minor issues
Most of us concentrate on minor issues and fail to recognise the major hassles in life. It is always better to look at the bigger picture rather than wasting energy on petty issues. Raghu Raman’s speeches often focus on the stated!

Raghu Raman as a motivational speaker is inspirational by all means.


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