How Green Building Makes an Impact on The Environment

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These days more and more citizens all over the world are conscious of the environment thanks to the increased awareness about pollution and carbon emissions. The stress on natural resources and rapid development has led to extreme environmental degradation. Almost all countries in the world are adopting ways to protect the environment. Be it using environment-friendly materials or shifting to renewable sources of energy, many such steps are being considered. Green building as a concept has gained massive acceptance in today’s times. In general, a green building is a structure which is built using efficient sources of energy that do not cause harm to the environment. The materials used in the building process are non-toxic, less polluting and less harmful to nature. Green buildings also make use of recycled materials for construction. Right from the planning stage to the development, everything is planned and executed keeping in mind the environment. However, along with the construction obtaining a green building certification is also crucial. A green building certificate gives credentials to a green structure and evaluates it with the help of several rating systems. Here is how a green building impacts the environment.
  • Reduction in the emission of pollutants

One of the main impacts of green building is the reduction in the emission of hazardous gases. Most materials used in construction are harmful to the environment and have dangerous emissions. With the help of green building materials, the emissions are far more controlled and less harmful which results in the reduction of air pollution.
  • Less use of water

Construction of any kind requires a great amount of water. In the green building process, many times recycled water is used to limit the use of fresh water. Additionally, many alternatives to water are also used for the overall process.
  • Use of environment-friendly materials

Building materials not only are hazardous but they also produce a lot of waste in the construction process. Most of these materials are nonrecyclable and hence cannot be put to use. Green building makes use of several recycled materials which are long-lasting and provide a strong foundation to the structure.

Green building certification also makes the overall structure investment-worthy!


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